Monday, February 11, 2013

Howl Imitation

I see a generation full of corruption

A generation that says one thing but then does another

Represents views of their peers only later to crush their dreams

Change is spoken but is never followed through

I see a generation backed by politicians who only look out for themselves

Who are quickly to pass the blame when tragedy strikes instead of confronting

the real problem because it may be the easy way out

A generation that thrives for the quick fix

That searches for the get rich quick schemes or anyway to do less work but still get paid  

I see a generation that shoots down the hopes and dreams of their peers to only gain

in their own accomplishments

A generation that makes claims and accusations but overall lacks truth and a backbone

That hides behind a falsified mask in order to cover up their true self

That lacks in respect for the character of older generations

I see a generation that is corrupt from the layers of problems from the past…


1 comment:

  1. Where are Ginsberg-esque long lines? Also, consider getting more specific. For instance, Ginsberg would likely reference a specific get-rich scheme.
